As revised by the bylaw committee Feb. 26, 2021
1. NAME .
The name of this organization shall be Scripps Fine Arts Foundation. The Foundation, originally established by the Board of Trustees of Scripps College in 1935 as a support group for the College, was re-organized in 2020 as an independent non-profit entity.
The purpose of Scripps Fine Arts Foundation is to stimulate public interest in art, to develop greater opportunities for the study of art at Scripps College and to benefit the local arts community.
The Scripps Fine Arts Foundation raises funds from annual membership dues, donations and events to support its monthly programs; contribute to Scripps College art scholarships and internship funds; provide art student grants; and benefit local artistic pursuits.
Membership in the Foundation is open to anyone in sympathy with its purpose. Honorary Life Membership, with all the rights and privileges of regular membership, may be given by vote of the Board of Directors in recognition of outstanding services.
Executive officers shall be four in number: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The further composition of the Board shall be determined by the functions of the Foundation to fulfill its purposes.
The Board, through a subcommittee on nominations appointed yearly by the Foundation President, shall nominate the officers and the new Board members. The composition of this committee shall be three Board members and two members appointed from the general membership.
Board members shall serve in a particular capacity for three years. The Nominating Committee may re-nominate members to serve an additional three years in the same or another capacity. Board members may serve up to a maximum of six consecutive years. Members shall remain off the Board for at least one year before becoming eligible for another term.
Officers and Board members shall be approved by the membership at the last program of the year. The terms of office shall begin in June. Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled by appointment by the Foundation’s President with the approval of the Board.
The Board votes to select annual programs and determines funding recipients.
The President of the Foundation shall serve on all committees as an ex-officio member.
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly between September and June.
Normally, monthly programs shall be presented the week following the board meeting and are open to the public.
The annual general membership meeting shall be held at the last program of the year. The annual report of the Foundation's Treasurer shall-be published in the fall. The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.
Annual dues shall be payable by September 30th of each year. Memberships subscribed after January 31st shall extend through June of the following year. The amount of dues and classifications of membership shall be decided by the Board.
All members of the Fine Arts Foundation are invited to attend the monthly lectures, teas, luncheons, museum visits, performances, studio tours, and field trips. Those classifications beyond regular memberships shall be entitled to such other privileges as from time to time may be designated by the Board.
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Fine Arts Foundation members present.
Bylaws amended by the Bylaws Committee: Jane Boyer, Merrilee Howard, Catherine McIntosh and Beth Benjamin in February 2021.
Approved by the FAF board on March 2, 2021. Presented to FAF members in May 2021.
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